The Evolution of Podiatry Technology: What’s New in 2024
As the steps we take change and advance, so do the technological inventions surrounding podiatry. Whether it concerns the treatment methods used throughout a podiatric practice or the technological advancements used to make diagnoses to take further steps, we can observe significant advancements throughout recent times. These advancements have altered the practice of podiatry and the healthcare surrounding one of our most essential limbs, our feet.
Through the advancement of technology, there has been rapid improvement in artificial intelligence or AI. While this advancement in artificial technology can reach limitless advancements in many facets of the world, the particular advancement in the medical study and care of our feet is fascinating and completely world-changing. Podiatrists can use these improvements in AI to make faster and more accurate diagnoses when analyzing their patient’s medical conditions and symptoms. AI can pick up and make connections when provided with specific symptoms and observations concerning the state of a patient’s feet in a way that can allow podiatrists to make faster and more precise diagnoses of their patients and improve their understanding of certain conditions.
Along with the assistance from technological advances, podiatry is changed by inventions that can be presently applied and utilized within medical practices. Pedialy Care, a company that manufactures medical equipment, has created an innovative bandage that is ready to use, simple, and efficient in a way that forever alters how podiatrists dress and treat specific ailments. This ready-to-use bandage can be crucial for treating patients with limited mobility and those who must be treated with incredible swiftness. The thin seams, which limit the impact of external influences, the ease of applying and utilizing these bandages in comparison to other bandages as well and the guarantee of the bandage being correctly applied are all reasons why this bandage conceptualized by Pedialy care is so innovative to the podiatric world.
Another example of advancements in podiatric care is the innovative wound care of the matrion placental graft. One may ask, what does this graft provide the world of podiatric care that other grafts don’t? Believe it or not, the answer to this question is extremely clear. This graft is thicker in comparison to other grafts, enabling the prevention of bacterial infection and entries as well as the prevention of loss of fluids that can assist in healing. This wound treatment also requires no specific and unique preparation, which other grafts may require, enhancing efficacy in treating ailments such as wounds and ulcers. This graft is game-changing in treating complex and complicated wounds in podiatry. On the website PodiatryToday, James Barksdale, DPM, gives testimony to the innovative effects of matrion, stating the following: “‘Having Matrion available for patients in my clinic has allowed … patients with wounds present greater than 2 years to heal in less than 2 months completely, and also for patients with stage 3+ decubitus ulcerations to heal in the same time frame,’ he says”. This testimony paints a great picture of how essential this new graft can be in podiatric treatment.
These are only a couple of examples of how the podiatric world is changing through how doctors diagnose and treat their patients’ ailments. These rapid advancements in this medical field and the benefits they introduce are apparent to both patients and doctors. There is no telling where we will advance to next if we have already made such strides.
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