Foot Care for National Diabetes Month
November is National Diabetes Month, and part of taking care of yourself if you have diabetes is paying close attention to your feet. It is more likely for those with diabetes to experience foot-related issues because of a lack of blood flow, nerve damage, and overall poor circulation. Having poor control over your blood sugar can also contribute to this, leading to little or no feeling in your feet, which can result in issues going unnoticed for long periods of time.
Here are some general tips to help keep your feet healthy:
1. Check Your Feet
As stated above, it is important to check your feet regularly for things like cuts and blisters because if you have nerve damage or poor blood flow, you may not realize there is something wrong until the issue worsens. Choosing a specific time each day to check your feet; making sure you’re using good lighting to spot issues more clearly; and looking at your feet for specific issues such as cuts, blisters, sores, fungus between your toes, any redness or tenderness, and calluses can all help you to make checking your feet and keeping them healthy a daily routine.
2. Wash Your Feet Daily
Another good routine to keep in mind and to try to maintain is to wash your feet regularly. Use warm–not hot– water, and never soak your feet, as this can dry them out. Because it is also important to keep your feet moisturized, you can apply lotion to the top and bottom of your feet after a shower or bath, but make sure not to get lotion in between your toes because this could lead to an infection.
3. Make Sure You Have Proper Footwear
Make sure your shoes fit properly, which you can do by measuring your feet or by having them measured, and by shopping for shoes towards the end of the day because this is when your feet are usually at their largest. It is recommended to get shoes that have closed toes and heels, along with being made from cushioned, supportive material. Similar to general foot care, it could also benefit you to try to switch between pairs of shoes for maximum comfort.
4. Don’t Go Barefoot
Wear socks and shoes everywhere to avoid injury, even in your own home, since this can help prevent you from stepping on something that could lead to an injury or infection. Also be mindful to check your shoes for things like pebbles or other sharp objects before putting them on, and always empty your shoes after walking outside to avoid this issue as well. If your feet are cold at night, wear socks to keep them warm.
5. Trim Your Toenails
Always trim your toenails straight across and avoid cutting off the corners as this can cause ingrown toenails. You can use a nail file or emery board to smoothen out the sharp edges. Having trimmed toenails is important because long or thick nails can press on other toes and cause open sores.
6. Exercise
Exercise and moving your body are essential to overall health and foot care because they can improve poor circulation by stimulating blood flow to the legs and feet. Improved circulation could help maintain a positive routine for your feet because it can contribute to avoiding a loss of feeling. Try to move your body for at least thirty minutes a day, and engage in feet-friendly activities such as walking, bike-riding, or swimming.
7. Get Your Feet Checked
Along with checking your own feet, you can work with your diabetes care team or a podiatrist to check your feet to make sure they are healthy. If this feels like a full-circle moment, it’s because paying attention to your feet is a very important aspect of your overall health, during National Diabetes Month and always.
Works Cited
“Diabetes and Your Feet.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 11 Apr. 2023,,even%20inside%2C%20to%20avoid%20injury.
“Diabetes Foot Care Tips.” Diabetes Foot Care Tips | ADA, Diabetes Foot Care Tips | ADA.
“Proper Diabetes Foot and Toenail Care and Checking for Problems.” WebMD, WebMD, 21 May 2023,